Missing Classmates


We have come along way in getting our class website up and running, with over 160 classmates joined.  We have content from our high school years in the "From our Archives" section, as well as photos from all past reunions.  We still have many of our classmates who have not joined yet.  Many of them may not even know we have this site.  Below is a list of classmates not yet signed up.  We are asking that if you are in contact with any of these folks, to reach out and invite them to join.  It's free and a great way to keep up with our "old" friends.


Nell Ann Ackermann
David Alexander
Tom Amick
Clark Ansel
Bob Appleby
Joyce Armstrong
Becky Bailey (Cohen)
Becky Barbee (Coon)
Jeffery Barrett
Joan Marie Barrett
Edward Barrow
Penelope Baxter
Mark Bean
James Bibb
Maria Boger
Robert Bohn
Mike Bolinger
Sandy Breckons
Joey Butters
Don Bynum
James Byrom
Joe Caldwell
Trudy Callahan (Seelig)
Chris Caran
Janice Carl
Patricia Carney
Debra Carr (Dickman)
Jon Cassel
Mary Chadick
Debbie Chandler (Watson)
Doyle Christensen
Jan Clegg
Mike Cole
Roy Cook
Michael Coon
Janet Cowden
Tamsy Crump
Ralph Curtin
Patricia Dalton
Robert Davis
Steve Davis
Orland Dickey
Diane Duchaine
Karen Dykes
Linda Edmunds (McKnight)
Debbie Erler
Randy Evans
Sherry Fairchild
Robert Farar
Sandy Farnum
Richard Fern
Mary Flaggert (Gillick)
Susan Flanagan (Cook)
Tom Foegelle
Bonnie Foster
Jo Foster
Joan French (Donohue)
Charles Frey
Patricia Frix (Cope)
Linda Fulbright
Linda Gabriel
Mary Garguilo
Glenn Garner
Sally Garrison
Pamela Gillis (Chavez)
Carolyn Gordon
Elizabeth Green
Wanda Gail Green
Charles Gremmel
Catherine Griffis (Welch)
Catherine Groenke (Cheek)
Gerald Groenke
Iris Grote
Marty Guys
Scott Hangen
James Hartman
Scott Hastings
Marilyn Hatter (Dudley)
Sherry Hays
Debbie Heiser
Nancy Higdon (Reeves)
James Hinch
Robert Hind
Sarah Hine
Linda Hood
Wanda Hopp (Hannah)
Edward Howell
Janie Hresko (West)
Catherine Huff (Dresel)
Dee Ann Hughes
Michael Hughes
Mike Hunter
Ford Ibbotson
Cindy Ince
Michael Irwin
Jeannie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson (Humphrey)
Rick Janes
Jackie Janicke
Robert Jetter
Linda Johnson
Hardy Jones
Kenneth Jones
Susan Jones
Bill King
Brian King
Donald King
Donna King (Jester)
Becky Kinzie
Stephen Klefforth
Mary Kopec (Norwood)
Jean Krueger (Quinn)
Mike Larkin
Pat Lodde (Bachman)
Robert Long
Tommy Longoria
Charles Loring
Marion Lukeman
William Lutteringer
Stephen Maese
Tosca Mariani
Charlotte Marsh
Paul Martin
Sammy Martin
Mary Martinez
Ava-Neil Matlock
Hugh Mattia
Sue Maultsby
John May
Susan Maybell
Patricia McCarthy
Michael McClain
Michael McConnell
John McCoy
Kathy McHugh (Kempf)
Maribeth McNeely
Michael McNertney
Myron Means
Frances Meeks
Mary Jo Melson (Sandin)
Pat Millegan
Gregory Milliger
Carolyn Moyik (Thronton)
Twila Nagel
Jackie Neafus
Karen Newhouse
Linda Nieder (Janicke)
Judy O'Hara
Marki O'Neal (Wolfinger)
Richard Ormond
Bill Palmer
Sara Parr
Deborah Pearson (Espensen)
Lamont Penn
Josie Perez
Charles Peterson
Charles Pety
Linda Pidge
Zack Lynn Pidge
Lee Prewett
Mary Quiroga
Mark Rackley
Judy Rainey (Frazier)
Olga Ramirez
Ellen Raney
Roy Raven
Bill Ray
Rusty Reed
Nathan Reeh
Brenda Richard (Bland)
Mary Roberts
Joanne Robinson
Stephen Rogers
Gay Rose
Mary Jo Roten
Robert Roundtree
George Rozsypal
Penny Schaffer
Ronnie Schneider
Gerald Seelig
Pamela Seideman
Joanne Sellars (Cherry)
Kevin Settle
Deborah Slaughter
Donnie Smith
George Smith
Jean Smith (Weaver)
Leonard Soilean
Cherryl Spence (Potter)
Jeff Spickler
William Starrett
Michael Stein
Mark Steitle
Kathryn Stoker
Jack Stratton
Rick Stratton
Guy Stubbs
Connie Sulser (Alcala)
Joe Tagle
David Tanasoca
Gloria Thomas
Judy Thomasson
Phil Thompson
Paul Thornton
Nancy Tilley
Willo Tindall
Patrick Torian
Everette Guy Travis
Gary Tumlinson
Manuel Venegas
Susie Veselka
Jesse Warder
Mary Beth Watson (DeLano)
Bobby Weinheimer
Mariann Wells (Golden)
Dan Wheelus
Danette White (DeHay)
Dianne Wilbur
Jerry Williams
Michael Williamson
Garrette Wilson
Jay Winegardner
Susan Wineriter
Branen Woodham
Frank Yost

Guest Members

Walter Adams
Ed Bunger
Nancy Fletcher (Hopper)
Charlie Rogers